Louise Jane Watson

Welcome to Louise Jane Watson Books
The Humboldt Co. Mysteries Series
If you want to read cozy mysteries that involve
— a small town in Humboldt County —
— a bizarre costume shop —
— a dog called Norman —
Learn more HERE
The Lost and Found Series
If you want to read adventure romances that involve
— survival situations —
— McGyvering things —
— various heroic pets —
Learn more HERE​

About Louise Jane Watson
Louise Jane Watson was born and raised in the UK, but now lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and their cat.
Growing up in deep rural England, she spent her time reading (Enid Blyton books mostly), drawing (lots of fashion designs for her Pippa dolls) and constructing dens in the hedgerows.
Teen years were Jilly Cooper, Douglas Adams and Dick Francis books, plus lots more drawing and a little less den-making.
Louise moved to Northern California in 2002 and ended up working at a clown school (long story). The Pacific Northwest soon took her heart and she and her three kids became permanent residents a few years later.
Now, when she isn’t writing, she is still drawing (a lot), dancing with her husband Chris (lots of enthusiasm, not much style), and trying to teach the cat some new tricks.